Being pregnant has been a mystery that slowly unlocks day by day.  Going into it, I had no idea what it was going to feel like, what to expect, how much weight I would gain (trying not to count!) and so many more things.  It’s been cool learning and feeling new things as time has passed.  I wasn’t sure if I would think pregnancy was really cool or just ready to get through the process.  As there have been growing kicks and movement in my belly, it’s created more excitement for baby Mortenson’s arrival.  Feeling him move everyday makes me feel so ready to meet and hold him right now.  I feel like my heart has already grown three sizes, I can’t imagine the  flood of emotions that I’ll have when he finally arrives.

With a few more aches than usual, I am heading into my third trimester.  The 4th of July feels so close yet so far.  I think my belly is going to be getting a LOT larger.  Eeeek! haha