1.) Breathable Mesh Crib Bumper – I did some research and was surprised to find that the traditional padded pumpers are not safe.  Some countries don’t even sell them.  I was shocked…not sure why the U.S. still sells them.  I think it looks great and adds more decoration to your nursery, but I didn’t want to spend the money on something I wouldn’t end up using and is not safe for my child.  I opted for this breathable white mesh bumper.  I really love it and think it is simple and modern and ties in well with the decor.  I have a white crib and use the white bumper.

2.) JJ Cole Hooded Towels – These are fantastic!  I fought the urge to splurge on the Aden & Anais towels and I’m glad I did.  I’ve also used a few other towels and these are by far way better and get the job done for a reasonable price.  They are thick and absorbent and I love the designs.  I went back to pick up a second one after I used one.

3.) Boon Lawn Countertop Drying Rack & Twig – This works great right next to my sink and I love the modern design and fresh pop of color for my kitchen.  I am supplementing with formula and already wish I had gotten the larger drying rack with all the bottles we go through.  So many bottles to wash, it’s overflowing off the smaller drying rack.  I’ll probably be picking up another one soon.  Also, I do love the sleek white one too.  My kitchen is all white, so I oped for the splash of color.

4.) Baby Sound Spa – We didn’t start using this until we transitioned Luke to the crib at 8 weeks.  Now we have it on every night and it also helps with his bed time routine.  You have the option between a few musical lullabies and ocean and rain sounds as well.  I play twinkle twinkle little start when we’re winding down for bed, then switch it over to ocean for the rest of the night after he falls asleep.  There is also a projector that scrolls through a cartoon graphic of the cow jumping over the moon and a few other designs you can switch out.  It also has a high/low brightness setting too, which is convenient.

5.) Aden & Anais Swaddling Blankets – These are soooo nice to have.  I probably have 12-15 and was considering returning a few because I had too many.  I didn’t and am glad because we use blankets non-stop!  We swaddle him at night, always have one with us on the go in the diaper bag or in his carrier and use them to lay him on the floor for tummy time too.  As soon as he spits up all over it, we just swap it out with another.  I’m glad I always have one on hand ready to go!

6.) Aden & Anais Burp Cloths – I love the quality and design of these fabulous burp cloths.  The side is curved to contour nicely around your neck and it doubles as a bib!  Again, I thought maybe we had too many, but realized we didn’t have enough!  I had to go back to the baby store twice to get more burp cloths and ended up going with plain white ones (cannot find online, but purchased at Buy Buy Baby 3/$22).  I also got a pack of plain white bibs for daycare and when I want to save an outfit from being spit up on if we are heading somewhere.  I like the simplicity of white paired with a fun patterned outfit and blanket, otherwise I might be on color/pattern overload.

7.) Nosefrida Nasal Aspirator – I realized quickly I wasn’t into the bulb syringe.  It doesn’t work that great.  We heard good things about the Nosefrida and it works great!  Pairing it with an over the counter saline spray seems to help too.  Luke has his first cold this week.  Two days at daycare and he’s already picked up something…not looking forward to winter!  We are also using this teardrop humidifier to try to help with his cold.  I really like the design and that I can swivel the top to point the mist in different directions, but verdict is not out yet whether this is really helpful for his congestion.

8.) Next Step Baby Monitor – This is really cool and I’m glad I found out about this!  I saw a friend monitoring her baby on her ipad and asked what system she had.  This is what she was using.  I returned my unopened Motorola baby monitor and purchased this camera and app (the price was the same).  The picture quality is fantastic (day/ night) and Eric and I can both monitor from our iPhones at night and don’t need to worry about passing one monitor back and forth.  You can also monitor when you are away from home (so great if one of us is traveling or if babysitter is over)!  We felt this was a good investment and something we could grow into since you can add cameras to other rooms and monitor all from the same app.  There are a few cheaper camera options made by the same company, but I”m not sure what the quality is like.  We will probably buy a cheaper version if we add to other rooms in the future (like a playroom).

9.) Light Switch Dimmer – This is a little outside of the baby product world, but I’m so glad we installed a few dimmers around the house.  We didn’t have a lamp in our nursery (it’s small and I didn’t want to spend the additional money), but wanted the option to have softer light.  This is really a must have when you want the nursery super dim, it’s great to put at any level you need.  It gets a lot dimmer than a table lamp would get.  We installed a few more around the house and are so happy we did!

10.) Mam Glow in the dark pacifiers – Luke didn’t start taking a pacifier until almost 4 months old.  So I thought we might never get use out of the ones we purchased.  I did want to give a shout out to these glow in the dark pacifiers, which are awesome.  They need to be in good light during the day to glow at night and the glow isn’t super strong, but it’s just enough to find at night.  I’ve used regular ones before and spent too much time patting the crib down to find the missing pacifier.  It’s really a genius idea if you ask me.  …why didn’t I think of that?

11.) Baby Oxyclean – Baby poop. Really.  Stains.  This is great to soak clothes in so you can keep clothes looking nicer for longer!

One more tip for new moms!  You can sign up on Similac to get free formula and coupons.  Who doesn’t love free stuff and formula is expensive!


