Merry Christmas and happy new year!  I hope your December is filled with peace and joy for you this year. My goal is to be less stressed, spend time with family and enjoy the season.  We’re trying to cut back on the emphasis of excessive gifts and refocus on what this season is really about.  Celebrating Christ’s birth and spreading joy & love around this holiday season.

It has been a Fall to remember!  I had one of THE busiest Fall seasons yet!  I got very little sleep, with a sleepless 5 month old, BUT was in love with meeting so many new families and capturing some really lovely and authentic moments.

Thank you to all my amazing clients, you have made this year incredible and I’m so honored you chose my artistry to capture your family memories!

If you want to make sure you’re the first to know when family sessions open up, make sure to join me on the VIP list.  Stay tuned this winter when I’ll be catching up on blogging these beautiful sessions, but if you’re wanting to see more photographs right now make sure to check out Facebook and Instagram for some sneak peeks into what’s coming!

I’m taking some time off through the New Year, so I’ll have limited access to email, but will try to get back to you if you contact me!  Take care until 2017!




