
I decided that 2010 was the year to start a garden….from scratch. I’ve never had a garden before, but my friend Jill and plan on planting one in her nice big yard! We thought we’d try starting it from seeds and see how it goes. Why not, right!? Lowe’s had everything we needed: a mini starter green house (comes with little soil pockets) & seeds. That’s all! I think all of this was under $12 for each of us! You add water, then your seeds and labels and you’re done! We felt like we were doing a 5th grade science project again, but actually had fun putting it all together. Much easier than we both anticipated! Doing this will save us a lot of money and we’ll have delicious vegetables & fresh flowers to enjoy over the summer! Now is the time to get your garden started for the year, so don’t wait! It just needs to stay in doors and needs a little bit of sunlight…so easy! I love easy projects!
