
I have some news to share with you!  I am expecting a baby!  I am due 4th of July and am 17 weeks pregnant right now.  Not feeling so pregnant just yet…no bump to see.  Sad face over here…I’m ready to see a tiny bump or something.

It’s such an overwhelming feeling of being excited and scared of the unknown all at once.  Thoughts have been flowing in my mind…”Will I be a good Mom”…”How will I know what to do”…Will Eric and I get date night ever again?”  It dawned on me how much learning was ahead once I found out I was pregnant.  The notion of not knowing what I need to have ready for a baby, was a little overwhelming.   I’m pushing all those thoughts of the unknown out of my head and praying that my maternal instinct will kick in and I’ll know exactly what to do.  …That’s how it works, right?

Eric and I are waiting to start those serious discussions, you know…about names, after we find out if it’s a girl or boy.    Another announcement will be on here soon about baby Mortenson!  We’re getting excited!