
Happy January!  It’s feels good to be writing again.  This space is a little slice of something just for me.  I’m still on an maternity leave… indefinitely.  It feels good to not have to rush back into business, but focus on creating while I’m at home.  Life has been full since our twins arrived last summer.  The days are whipping by like an exciting carousel ride.  All I can think about when I look at these photographs is… time. is. flying.

It’s been a good while since I’ve written here, but I wanted to revive this space to have a place to share, connect, create and get my creativity flowing again.  Yes, creativity can be suffocated by busyness and all the other things that can come with life.  Like the constant care taking of twins!  I’m carving out space to be more still.  To get re-inspired.  To keep searching for what creatively makes me come alive.  I’m not giving myself timelines or set expectations, I just want to explore new things to photograph.  So, I’ll be posting more personal projects for now.  Glad you’re here!