
Part of being pregnant is knowing that you don’t know when that time will come.  That you have no control over God’s timing of his arrival.  I had just taken these photos at 37 weeks, 3 days and we were heading to the hospital the next day!

I had high blood pressure at my routine Dr. visit the week before.  This was a concern because high blood pressure isn’t good for the baby AND there is a potential of becoming preeclamsic.  Preeclamsia is very dangerous for mom and baby because there is high potential of having a seizure, putting you and the baby’s life at risk.  I was sure that I was just fine, I was still feeling great, so there was no need to be concerned.

Monday, I decided to go to work because I hadn’t heard from the Dr. office yet with the test results.  I know I was supposed to be taking it easy, but figured I would go in, check some emails and get a few (non stressful) things done.  Around 2:30pm, I recieved a call from the Dr., who explained that I had mild preeclamsia.  “So…do I need to go Dr. office today?” I asked.  “No, you need to go straight to labor and delivery, they are expecting you,” they replied.  My head was spinning.  “What?” I thought.  “Now?”  I wasn’t prepared for this at all.  I figured if I needed to be induced, we would schedule for the next morning or something.

Frantically, I dialed Eric.  My hands were shaking so much I could barley remember his number.  “Now?” I kept thinking.  “This is crazy!”  I shed a few overwhelmed tears before I left the office.  Yes, I was that pregnant girl, shaking and crying because I was in shock that our baby was coming today.  I kept thinking, “But I’m not ready yet…”

Eric and I drove home and frantically grabbed the hospital bag, then we were off to Dublin Methodist.  I could not believe we were on our way to the hospital.  I was in shock, but thankful I wasn’t having crazy contractions and was comfortable the whole way there.

They started inducing at 3:30pm on June 17th, with little progress over night.  The doctor broke my water at 8:00am the next morning and that really got the contractions going fast!  “Epidural please!” I was exhausted and had already been through a few painful things, so I was ready for my epi as soon as it was getting painful.  Finally, when pain free, got some rest and when I woke up, we were ready to start pushing.  He was low and ready to go!  As soon as the doctor came in, I gave it two hard pushes and he was here.  So fast!

As soon as I saw him, my heart melted.  I was forever changed.  He was the most precious thing I’ve ever seen and he was all ours.  Perfect and healthy, we were so grateful.  It’s been the most amazing thing I’ve ever done and I love him more than I ever thought I could.  Yes…I think I just fell into that cliche “mom” category.  haha!   I’m okay with that.

More pics of our little guy coming soon!