
I got sucked in. I did. I’m admitting I’ve been a bad blogger lately, but i couldn’t help but get pulled in to the holiday season. It hits like a freight train. one minute it’s fall, I’m enjoying the weather and football, the next, it’s thanksgiving, then BAM…it’s the Christmas season. Everyone is in a frenzy at the mall. …ah…i can’t live like that.

I keep telling myself to slow down, then i do. I consciously make an effort to slow my life down. So time doesn’t warp into rapid speed we call life. when things are slow, i realize they are quite a bit too slow. Boredom hits. I just create more projects to keep myself busy. A friend tells me to get a hobby. The funny thing is this was my hobby….or is…well it’s still is considering i still have a day job and do this because i love it.

Anyway, i wanted to apologize for not blogging much lately. I’m sorry. My new year’s resolution should be to blog more, but i deal with this thing called‚ writers block‚ pretty much all the time. I am quickly learning that antidote for this, it’s called wine, my friends. Cabernet to be exact. It was created for winter time boredom and a cure for writers block.

…or lets you get more courage for rambling on and being ok with that. I need some rambling in my life. The point of this is to share some of my thanksgiving this year with family. It was wonderful. Apparently I was really into food this year because that’s about all that I photographedI More holiday festivities and fun things to do in Columbus coming this month!
