
Make last minute, fly by the seat of your pants, fun travel plans? ….or maybe you’re just indecisive and put off decision making for awhile because your life is already over programmed and all you want is to just sit for one weekend and enjoy the sweetness of nothing. THAT was how half of me was feeling. The other half was me knowing myself well enough to know that after 5 minutes of sitting and ‘relaxing’ I would be antsy and ready to go find something to do! So after those thoughts came full circle, I booked a flight to Boston to visit my lovely sister! Yessss sister time!

IMG_0470Below is my favorite memory of my Dad and Sister from the last time I visited Boston! GEESH it’s been too long! Making up for lost sisterly bonding with sightseeing, facemasks, beach time and all those girly things we sisters like to do together. =)