
Happy New Year!  I hope you had a wonderful holiday.  Mine was so nice and I apologize for taking quite the break from blogging.   Secretly, I’ve had my nose in a book, I can’t put the 4th Twilight down!  Ah…every chapter gets better and better!  Didn’t want you to leave you hanging though, so I wanted to post a few new year’s pictures to tide you over.  Mustaches (handmade my moi!) & sparklers galore!  We also played a fun game throughout that night that everyone got a kick out of.  Write celebrity names on sticky name tags, and put them on guests backs as they enter the party.  Throughout the evening you have to ask yes or no questions to figure out who is on your back.  Great way to get the mingling going.  It was a hit!

…And I will be enjoying this blogging break juuuuust a little longer through January.  Hope you take a break too.  =)