

Sharing a little from the For The Love Workshop.  We were nestled into the hills of Sevierville, Tn in a beautiful log cabin.

Ah…..smiling as I reflect back on the week. I feel like the clouds have cleared and the weight that was on my shoulders is gone.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me. Watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30


_MG_6499_MG_6504_MG_6511Nicki getting a shot of the river
_MG_6536_MG_6537_MG_6540_MG_6553Clary, Kelly, Lauren and Ginny checking out their photos_MG_6556_MG_6564_MG_6567_MG_6582

We decided it would be fun to go sledding. What do you do when you don’t have a sled? Get a trash bag and a piece of cardboard and you are good to go! We had a good time flying down the hill that way. Lauren, Clary and I racin’ on down!

Kelly having a ball! I don’t think they see much snow in Texas!

Alison was a trooper to pose in the snow since we were snowed in on top of the mountain!

Erik Clausen showing us how it’s done:


Sharon, from Houston,doing a great job looking warm!


Lauren Clark teaching us posing

I am so blessed to have met all of these amazing photographers who are now close friends: Allison Ballinger,Alison Holcomb,Chelsea Giles,Chris Luk,Clary Pffeifer,Andrea Crosswhite,Glendon Tang, Jason Mize, LaRae Russell,Kasey Boatright,Kelly Hornberger,Leslie Harris,Nicki Smith,Megan Greathouse,Maria Trout,Sharon Chin,Rebekah Hood.

A huge THANK YOU to Ginny Corbett for organizing this whole amazing, life changing workshop and for her amazing voice to lead us in worship. THANK YOU to Lauren Clark and Erik Clausen for taking time out of their busy lives to teach us photography and be great christian examples for us.

Jenny is a family photographer in the Columbus, Ohio area.  She loves sharing her travels to the midwest and beyond!