
A classic recipe that can be interpreted in so many different way.  Once I saw the photographs of this Chocolate Chip Cook recipe on my new favorite food blog, Slow Like Honey, I knew I had to have them. The butter and chocolate with nuts mixed in there, it looked like a perfect recipe.  This was great timing because I needed a new recipe to try out my new Kitchen Aid mixer! On the way to Indianapolis, we stopped at the kitchen aid refurbish store in Greenville, Ohio and finally decided to take the plunge and buy one.  Yes, I might be 27 going on 70.  I know you have moments like that too.  😉

Once I tasted this still warm, out of the oven cookie, moving was out of the question. I just melted into the chair and needed to savor the chocolaty loveliness in my mouth.  Dear gym, I will see you tomorrow…