Are you curious how to prepare for your in-home newborn photos?  Booking an in-home lifestyle newborn session is very convenient when you are a new parent.  That little bundle of joy has a busy feeding and diapers schedule.  It can be hard to leave the house (I know, mom of 4 here) right after your baby arrives home.

Today, I’m sharing 3 tips to help make your newborn session go smoothly.



new parents holding baby in minimal home

Find the areas with the best lighting in your home first.  Those are probably the spaces your photographer will want to use.  Usually it’s about 2-3 locations within your home.  I always tell my clients this, but DO NOT feel like you need to clean your whole home and create unnecessary stress.  I’m happy to move things out of the way where I know I’ll be photographing.

The main spaces that should be as tidy as possible are:
– nursery
– the living room
– master bedroom
– kitchen (if you have a beautiful kitchen you want to showcase)

With an in-home newborn session, you are really showcasing your home.  Your home is part of the feature in your pictures.  Also, I know it can feel like clothing and diapers are ALL over the house.  You’re deprived of sleep and just acquired a bunch of new stuff to take care of your sweet little babe.


What you wear can have a big impact your in-home newborn session.  I have found that when mamas wear a long dress, for a newborn session, it’s flattering, comfortable, feminine and timeless.  It just seems to photograph and work really well.  Wardrobe options are always discussed with my clients before sessions (or in this case even before baby is born) to make the most out of your session.  I


The next simple and easy thing you can do is try to keep baby up for a little before the session starts.  I always suggest doing things like talking to your baby or giving them a bath (even a sponge bath on the changing pad works).  Doing this helps ensure baby sleeps good while I’m at your home, is relaxed and easy to wrap and peaceful during the newborn session process.  As always though, every baby is different, so please don’t feel bad if this doesn’t workout quite like planned!

mom holding baby sitting in chair in nursery for in-home newborn photosnewborn baby sleeping peacefully in crib for newborn photosnewborn baby sleeping in crib during in-home newborn photos new baby and big sister looking at each other

newborn baby sleeping in crib


I always recommend wearing light neutral colors for newborn sessions because it keeps the photos lighter, airy, and fresh looking.  If you’re looking for more specific dress recommendations, make sure to check out my dress resource page with dress suggestions!