
The holidays have come around so quickly this year! I wanted to share my family’s thanksgiving. I am so thankful that most of us we were able to spend thanksgiving together this year. Our already big family is still growing and this is only half of us! Thanksgiving morning is the best with the smell of coffee brewing and everyone prepping food in the kitchen. I went for a morning run and it was an amazing crisp sunny morning. Once showered and downstairs, the wine was already flowing! haha We definitely made good use of both upstairs and downstairs bars.

Off to bake Christmas cookies for the day!! Thanks for stopping by!






We kept migrating from the upstairs bar to the down stairs one. Had to try them all out!





Uncle Karl with his new granddaughter:



My mom with baby Brooke:





Candied salmon from Uncle Karl’s fishing trips! Yum..


Kara and Cameron:


Darik and Cameron.





Intense Football stare going on. Very manly, even with their their post-it name tags on:



Mark and Brianna:


Dad and grandpa:


Kristen and Kameron opening Brooke’s baby gifts:


Our three turkeys for dinner. The fried one was so good!



Grandma and Grandpa:



Brian with his plate:


My Parents and Mrs. Warnke:


Had to get this shot, Cameron hanging out in the dog bed!



Can you tell we like food in this family? haha


Chocolate chip cheesecake (my favorite!) and apple Carmel pie from a specialty shop in Louisville!


We woke up to a winter wonderland:
