
how to simplify your life - photography business tipsHappy January!  …So do you love or not love new years resolutions?  I think i’ve been a little indifferent the last few years.  This year however, I am all over it!  I have some big changes I’d like to make for 2017 and I’m really excited about them.  My theme for 2017 is simplicity (…with a little dash of floral)!

The truth is that I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed in life, motherhood, business and I want to get better in all areas of my life.  I’ve realized that I want to make my focus on simplifying and minimizing.  I’d like to gain the benefits of a clearer mind, feeling lighter, needing less, less overwhelm and not feeling bogged down by filling my life with so much “stuff” and to dos.  Okay, well that was a lot of “feelings!”  I’ve decided to add a few tips to help you with your new years resolution and ways to simplify your life in 2017.

how to simplify your life - photography business tips 3Tip #1:  Begin with a fresh clean planner or notebook.  Nothing feels more motivating that a new little notebook to get yourself in gear to use for the year.  It’s a way to start fresh.  Clean the slate!

Tip #2:  Keep goal setting simple with 3 goals and your WHY for writing them down.  For example, I want to focus on feeling more balanced physically and mentally by moving or stretching daily, eating whole foods and keeping life simple.

Tip #3: Get up early..ier!  Ha… I am preaching to myself here!  My, almost, seven month old is not sleeping though the night yet.  In fact, he’s still getting up about 2x a night and he’s now my alarm clock at 6:30am.  …I’ve been wanting to get up early I guess!  Really though, as tired as I am, I am pushing to get my workouts in, shower and a little cup of tea.  It’s the best way to start off your day with your best foot forward and have your workout (or quiet time) behind you.  I’ve realized that if I start my day behind, the whole day feels like I’m rushing to catch up.

Need a few minutes of zen in your day?  I recently heard someone tell me that they sip a cup of tea and don’t do anything else during that time except for drinking their tea and that was their quiet time.  You can feel a lot more peace and get a lot more accomplished in a day once you feel centered.

Tip #4: Get rid of the clutter.  I know, I know… we’ve all heard this one.  BUT I don’t mean tidy up a bit.  I’m talking get rid of the excess in your life.  Are you living/working in a space that is constantly messy?  Feeling like all you do is pick up papers, toys, books, etc.?  Yes… I’ll admit that’s me over here.  So I’ve decide to just start purging.  I could go on and on about this topic right now because I have been challenging myself to let go of things I’m not using or that I don’t love… including a lot of toys.  Kids are creative and don’t need 100 toys to be happy and imaginative.

Tip #5: Count your blessings.  Write down a 3 things you’re thankful for everyday.  If you try to think of different things you are thankful for every time, you might start seeing your everyday in a new light and start being thankful for the most random little things in your life.  Showing your gratitude helps us be more aware of the good things in our life.  Awesome, right?

Tip #6:  Opt out.  Unsubscribe from all emails that you don’t love getting, unfollow instagram users that don’t inspire you, cancel all catalogues and magazines unless you do love them and actually read them.  All these things need some managing and when we have to sift through this stuff first, it takes time away from being productive and can just be a constant distraction.

Tip #7:  Say no, more.  My new favorite quote is, “when you say yes to something, you’re saying no to something else.”  If  you think about it, that’s very powerful.  What are you saying yes to that is making your life more stressful, rushed or chaotic?

Tip #8: Create a capsule wardrobe.  This is something I’m working towards right now.  What if it was super easy to get dressed in the morning and saved you a lot of time?  All your items are simple and can easily be mixed and matched!

Tip #9:  Turn off your social media notifications. That notice pops up on your phone, curiosity gets the best of you and you need to see that comment right then.  You read it, maybe you respond, maybe you wait to respond later.  Either way, you are wasting a lot of time and on your phone probably more than you need.  Work towards time blocking.  Wait to check emails and your social media at a certain time of day.  You’ll be surprised how much time that frees up in your day!

Tip #10:  Live in the MOMENT!  Wherever you are, that is where you need to be.  Focus on meaningful relationships and love people, not stuff.

There you have it ladies and gents… real ways to simplify your life in 2017.  I’m going to be following these rules and I hope you do too.  I would be so happy to hear if this was helpful in anyway, or if you’d like me to write on this topic again, leave a comment below!